Your Pain is the Narcissists Bliss
The Principle foundations of Kosmic Fusion were to remain the non-doer this was always part of the original philosophy taught by Sree Maa Shri Ji. Dallia was constantly asking questions about the doer saying that she didn't get it. Dallia was always introducing doubt into the minds of the FiTs. This constant undermining of Sree Maa Shri Ji's teachings was a subtle manipulation and projection to maintain a position of power within Kosmic Fusion. I remember having a conversation with her when she came to Australia in 2015 where she was questioning me and implying that Kosmic Fusion was a cult. She really had been thinking about this for a long time. What was interesting was that Dallia was given the choice to leave when ever she wanted however she did not take this choice. She then invited herself into the Ashram in 2016 to live and began to take the lead in all the events. At that time i was sharing some on line meditations with Ekta and Dallia began to edge me out, to