
Showing posts from May, 2018

Devalue, Discard and other Games Played By the Narcissist

Devalue, Discard and other Games Played By the Narcissist Oh what joy and relief when the narc finally leaves your life! I can feel like I can breath and be myself without fear of being victimized. So my narc had a very cunning and clever plan to have me thrown out of the FiT program. It was so that she could take over not only representing Sydney but also Australia. Such is the Grandiosity of a fully fledged narcissist. What she devised was to persuade the other FiTS to join with her and demand that I back pay contributions to her dating back to 2014. She had painted me as someone who was not contributing on many levels. So she set me up and used my guilt for not contributing to make back payments towards events that she had insisted that we attend. She would of course ask Hanuman to be the front person, always insisting that Hanuman was the one that wanted us to do the events. I'm posting my proof below for the sole reason that she had pulled the wool over everyone