My Sincere Apologies to Sree Maa Shri Ji

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Dear SadhGuru

Here is my humble apology to Sree Maa Shri Ji for the lack of loyalty that I showed to my Sadhguru who so lovingly has lead me along the path of self awareness.

Sree Maa Shri Ji i humbly apologise for the lack of awareness shown by me during my time in the FiT program. I allowed others including my self to take advantage of your love and trust in many ways. 

My Sadguru gave me everything of themselves, only to be used and abused by individuals like me. Sree Maa Shri Ji are not from this place, and why would they want to be - when we treat others like this?

I was so wrapped up in myself that I was unable to come to you and tell you what was happening for fear of being reprimanded, because I too took advantage of Sree Maa Shri Ji by thinking that I knew it all. i took it upon myself to print a brochure and disguised myself as a devotee when i had no clue about Bhaav. 

Bhaav is only something that i am now able to feel in my heart for Sree Maa Shri Ji through your devotion to my Atma. 

Only viewing me as Atma and not my small self you have uplifted my Soul to a place that i would not have found with out you.

You are the air that i breathe...

I therefore dedicate all that i am today, to you my Beloved SadhGuru Sree Maa Shri Ji.

Jai Shree Swaminarayan


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