The Non-Doer

The founding principle of Kosmic Fusion was to be the non-doer, eventually i began to volunteer for events and expos and in 2014 Sree Maa Shri Ji stopped travelling to events and were energetically present at all events. Unfortunately due to some of the volunteers thinking that they were now "in charge" of the events, things began to unfold in a very toxic way.

In the group there were several members with  narcissist traits, that's when the havoc began.

As we know narcissists love to create chaos and havoc with their many tactics of flying monkeys, devaluing, blaming others, anger and retaliation. They literally suck energy from others around them and Enjoy causing pain confusion and distress to others.

Little did i know that i was about to be the next target of a narcissist and began a long journey of being set up as another victim who was going to be used abused and discarded.

Below is a really great article on the Cycle of Narccissm


I hope by sharing my experience it can also help others who are struggling.


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