Homeward Bound

In honor of my most Beloved Sree Maa Shri Ji

Seven years ago I met my wonderful and most Beloved Guru Sree Maa Shri Ji, and so my journey began.

Unity was something that I thought I would find with a group of like minded individuals. How wrong I was to think that the very group I was drawn to would attract many other seekers like me meaning the good, the bad and ....the ugly.

What unfolded from that point was a profound journey of healing and transformation from my old self to my new SELF. Transformation can come in many packages, small, medium large and Beyond Beyond.

Sree Maa Shri Ji fit in the last category - Beyond anything I had experienced before.

Like many who have walked a so called "spiritual" path before my journey unfolded exponentially. On the outside it seemed that nothing had changed, but on the inside a much deeper transformation was unfolding for me....


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